
In order to maintain an organized and efficient workflow for University publications, please adhere the following guidelines:

Plan ahead.

Please allow adequate time for all phases of a publication job: research, layout and design, photography or image creation, proofing, and printing.

Since not all publications are alike, the time needed to produce them also varies. A simple, one-color flyer may be completed in two weeks; a full-color brochure may take several months from concept through delivery.

Projects are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Jobs are classified as follows:

Small: (postcards, invitations, simple dinner program)
Allow 14-21 working days

  • Printer (5-7 working days) -- if this also needs to mail, plan for up to an additional 5 working days
  • Final proof (1-2 working days)
  • Design production (5-7 working days)
  • Proofing (2-3 working days)
  • Editing (1-2 working days)

Medium: (brochures, newsletters, posters, folders)
Allow 25-38 working days

  • Printer (7-10 working days) -- if this also needs to mail, plan for up to an additional 5 working days
  • Final proof (2-3 working days)
  • Design production (10-15 working days)
  • Proofing (3-5 working days)
  • Editing (3-5 working days)

Large: (catalogs, programs with ads, magazines)
Allow 42-57 working days

  • Printer (10-14 working days) -- if this also needs to mail, plan for up to an additional 5 working days
  • Final proof (4-6 working days)
  • Design production (20-25 working days)
  • Proofing (4-6 working days) Editing (4-6 working days)

Communicate with University Relations.

When initiating a new publication job, fill out a publication request form.  Once received, a meeting with University Relations team members may be set if necessary.

For most repeat jobs, a phone call will suffice if there are minimal changes.

In preparation for an appointment, you should determine the following:

  •     A general idea of scope and intent, as well as audience
  •     If possible, bring sample publications that are similar to what you expect of your finished piece
  •     A budget figure, including account number; quantity, delivery and packing instructions; and date needed
  •     Mailing instructions – Is the piece to be mailed? How? Do you want service? If so, what kind?

Prepare content.

Does any part of the job need to be posted on the Malone website? It is important to know this information at the beginning of a job. Please send all text together at one time. Microsoft Word format is preferred; Google Docs are also possible. We can not accept Publisher files. All text should be proofed before it is submitted. Additions and changes will extend the time necessary to finish the project. 

Proof the job in a timely manner.

After a proof has been received, please review it as soon as possible. If, for some reason, there is a need to delay the job at this point, please notify University Relations. Mark any corrections on the proof and return it as soon as possible. The publication will not be sent to print until a final sign off is given.

Grant final approval.

Each job should be carefully proofed by the initiating department. Special attention should be given to names and dates. It is the responsibility of the initiating department to make sure that information is correct. University Relations will also proof for grammar and style, but ultimate approval lies with the department ordering the pieces. A final sign off should be given by initiating department.