University Relations holds the responsibility for communicating Malone's mission to a variety of stakeholders. This is achieved through an integrated marketing and communications strategy that is supported by branding that is intentionally selected for its significance and symbolism. 
For more than 130 years, Malone has cultivated a brand of which we are proud, and the following policies were created to facilitate the long-term growth and management of the Malone brand for years to come. These policies have been developed to ensure consistency in written and visual communication across divisions and departments. 

Merchandise and Promotional Items

Approval is required for use of Malone’s name and marks on merchandise and promotional items such as pens, apparel (embroidered and screen-printed), stickers, and other giveaways, given first by departmental vice president with final approval from University Relations. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and vendors should submit in writing a proof of artwork to University Relations, noting the intended use and keeping in mind our primary branded colors. Other colors may be considered with just cause. 

The sale of merchandise with Malone’s name, image, and likeness is strictly forbidden unless it is through the Malone University Campus Store or upon approval from a vice president to be used as fundraising or for charitable purposes. Licensed vendors should adhere to the standards included within this guide. Artwork can be requested from University Relations. It is Malone University’s right to pursue disciplinary action, civil, or other legal action for violations of this use of name guidelines. 

University Mascot and Spirit Character

Malone University’s mascot, the Pioneer (J.W. Scout), and spirit character, Maximoose, are both associated with rich traditions and history at Malone. In an official capacity as the Malone Pioneers, only the likeness of J.W. Scout can be used on external marketing materials or in costume at public events. The Malone Moose is permitted for use with internal initiatives—specifically student life initiatives—but not permitted at official University events or displayed on print materials outside of internal flyers. For these purposes, if you have a question about whether your publication or event is considered internal or external, please contact University Relations.

Website Design and Maintenance

University Relations serves as the primary coordinator of the Malone University marketing website ( Any updates to the website should be submitted to the Webmaster, keeping in mind that the content team will give final approval to the requested copy and/or photography. This is to ensure that it is relevant, in keeping with the Malone voice, appropriate for optimal SEO performance, web-friendly (photo file size, etc.), and is ADA-compliant.

Media Relations Policy

University Relations serves as the primary contact and source of information for all print, online, and broadcast news media and media-related organizations. All media inquiries and engagements must be directed to the Director of University Relations, who will advise faculty and administration on an appropriate response or secure approval for interviews and/or release information. 

The University Relations staff welcomes the opportunity to work with faculty, staff, and students to publicize events, achievements, initiatives, and general news of the Malone community. Per University policy, the Director of University Relations should be contacted before any information is released to the media concerning internal or external matters that affect the public perception of Malone University. Through the coordination of strategic media relations efforts, this University-wide policy is designed to help enhance Malone’s brand and protect the reputation of the University and its employees in the community. 

If an employee is contacted by the news media directly, please refer the representative to the Director of University Relations.

Social Media Policy

Individual departments wishing to develop a social media presence should contact University Relations before creating pages/accounts. General Malone University logos are only permitted for use on the University’s official accounts (operated by University Relations). For further social media guidelines  and authorization, contact the Digital Content Manager.

Obtaining artwork

High and low resolution versions of the University logo in a variety of formats are available for download on MaloneXpress for use by Malone employees only. If you are contacted by an external entity requesting use of Malone logos, please direct those inquiries to the Director of University Relations.


Video and photography

All promotional videos require authorization from University Relations, and photography coverage of events or professional headshots are available upon request. Please contact the Videographer/Photographer and provide ample lead time to ensure the department is able to accommodate the request.

Publication and Graphic Design Requests

In order to maintain an organized and efficient workflow for publications, the Office of University Relations has established a publication planning guide and a publication request form. These guidelines include information on turnaround times, communicating with University Relations, preparing content, and proofing and approving drafts.

Departments requesting publications are responsible for budget information (including an account number) as well as providing mailing lists and communicating with the Mail Center, as necessary.

Style Guide

Malone University follows the AP Style Guide. A quick reference guide is available to help you, and questions about the style guide should be directed to the Director of University Relations.